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On growing up: The trap of manhood.


The Introduction:

O, Fortune, Fortune! All men call thee fickle. If thou art fickle, what dost thou with him. That is renowned for faith? Be fickle, fortune –in the play Romeo and Juliet speak to the core mishap of growing up.

When has it ever been that twice two does not make four or one plus one equals one? In as much as responsibility of parents shift from tending for the young one to forging a way forward for the child.

How is your son? They asked. ‘He is growing up very fast’ came in the swift response from my dad.

Growing up was fun, now adulthood does not seem interesting as viewed from the young innocent, childish barbarism of the boy.

‘Big people always have money’, ‘they do whatever they want at whichever hour of the day’, ‘they drive nice cars, have posh houses and dress smart with bright marvelously groom beards and hair. Always busy running around like headless chicken from home in the morning to the office and tending other aspects of the fast-moving world which doesn`t seem to come to a halt.

The young always admire the life of youth. That young man dressed in a classy black suit, ties knotted like a suicide rope or a hanging rope used in ancient Mexico for delivering criminals from law escapism. Holding a cross laptop bag, dazzling with a tall lanky hands, sulking eyes, depressed demeanor from overworking, over-demanding and annoying boss, for fear of being fired. Such is the frenzy of the fast world. Where the poor that have all the time in the world sell it to the rich unknowingly thereby making the rich richer and yet we still continue to complain ‘the rich are getting richer & and the poor, even poorer’

I figured that part earlier, but I have sold my time cheaply to CEOs, shareholders for a rather longer time than expected. I never, want to wake up to the threatening guttural voice of the immature bosses that have but no knowledge of the spanner wheel of the world.

Siblings become, core responsibility, personal development takes center stage, family responsibility grows, the need for a future bites hard (wherefore, it is easier to degenerate into the nothingness)

Growing up is shouldering the world with all the need to carry it forward.



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