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Writing is a disease. Disease in not writing.


‘You don`t start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking its good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That`s why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence’– Octavia E. Butler

Of course, I realised if I don`t befriend my pen and paper again, dementia will befall me sooner. I shed my knowledge in writing. It is not a bad idea to share, for they (who? Who?) say a candle loses nothing by lighting another.

I must warn you, my writings are terribly cunningly witty for the public, particularly on the subject of the write up. Should it interest you that, that which I shall have, write, written about cuts your wits out- none apologetic is the still dough on my face.

Talents whither, knowledge grows, memory fails. By my resolve to write, I would, rather none these ill feats follow for that which is exercised daily shall proper.

Did not I school in Journalism & Communication? Sure O yes. Fail me not years of study and write, fail me not memory, fail me not courage and resolve to write for these but apparently (No idea brighter than me) species that invented not these very letters I write with but the machine, that auto corrects me like I don`t know what I want to punch in.

What is man without resolves? Resolves without man?

The stronger the better, I choose to write every waking day of the sun that I rise with.

I choose to write about life, politics, economics, literature, yes the annoying intelligent move to the future, that which I shall not reach in as much as I stretch my hand to reach for the lighting bulb in my pitiful rat room from which I write.

Wisdom and thoughts are such fretting blazes; I shall write all that comes fit in my mind.

Fear not, the extra-terrestrial infinitesimal homes in a sluggish pitiable rat hole but wisdom forth shall become from this inexpressible location.

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